
It's the end of summer :)

Talyn here :) WOW! What an amazing summer. I feel so blessed to have been able to share the gospel with SOO many children this year. SO if you don't mind me sharing, I thought I would share a little bit about my summer in the Western Wisconsin area.

I taught with Rachel and Sam this summer. They were amazing beyond words. Also, MANY other people took hours out of their weeks to help make these clubs possible. I am grateful for everyone's effort to make the 5-day clubs the best they could be.

We had one club in a Youth Center, downtown of our area. It was a challenge to say the least. God pulled us through and I know that there were many seeds planted. It was amazing to serve in the downtown area. Because some of those kids don't know what real love is. And we as teachers had such a privilege to share God's amazing love to those kids.

I can't wait to start up again next year as a summer missionary for CEF. Its been such an amazing experience. This being my 4th year I am still amazed at how God works through teens to share the gospel of Christ. My hope and prayer is that everyone can experience that same feeling. If you know a teen who is passionate about the Lord and loves children..GET INVOLVED in CEF.

But as for now, I'm going to sign out. I hope that you all consider the amazing possibilities of being a part in this ministry. You will be blessed for it.

Be blessed,


The End of Summer

The team has arrived at the end of this summer! While statistics for the summer haven't been compiled yet, the teens of Western Wisconsin have been privileged to lead several children to Christ over the last six weeks! They've also had opportunities to grow in their faith and to make close friends they'll keep for the rest of their lives. Many of the missionaries have said during training camp, "I wish all the teens I knew were like this!"

Maybe you know a teenager who would make a good student leader. They're just not sure how to lead children in learning about Christ.

Consider telling them about Christian Youth in Action or show them some of these links -
Maybe you've already supported a teen in CYIA - we want to say thank you!
You've been a part of something big that will last for eternity.

It's never too late - or too early - to teach others about Jesus!
Who will God raise up for the Western Wisconsin team next? Will it be you?

Talyn and Matt teach together


Fair Trailer

Two days of the fair down and three to go!

On the first day (which was only a half day, and rainy) we had 24 kids come through, with 5 salvation decisions!

Then on the second day, there were 74 kids that heard the gospel, with two salvation decisions.

Praise God!
He's using this fair ministry to impact kids for eternity!


Christian Youth In Action... in pictures

As promised...

Here's some more pictures of training camp. :)
Teaching Children Effectively class... level 2

Sam and Talyn demonstrate a
review game.

Faith explains the missionary project.

Running one way to win!


Christian Youth in Action!!

Wow. Training camp is over and the summer has begun!Since a picture is worth a
thousand words...

To left: Talyn studies a memory verse teaching.

Below: Joellyn gets evaluated; Faith and Anne get ready for class time.

Below: Faith demonstrates a blonde joke for talent night.

Here's just a few hints of camp for y'all. More to follow. :)


Orientation 1

The team hard at work on support letters

Hey friends!

The Christian Youth in Action team from Western Wisconsin is sending out support letters now, and we'd love it if you'd prayerfully consider supporting us this summer! The seven teens on our team need to raise between $700 and $1500 EACH for their summer work.
More important than the financial support you can offer the teens is prayer - your prayers make a difference in the lives of the teens and the kids they teach.

And believe me, these teens will be busy!

The teenagers will be doing two or three kids clubs a day for five consecutive days, for 2+ weeks (July and August), plus the fair ministry. And these clubs are no walk in the park; the teens are doing set up, take down, the teaching and the games... sometimes with fifteen fidgety kids in a humid backyard.


Please pray for these awesome kids who have responded eagerly to God's call.
The work has just begun!!